WAMSB World Championships 2020 & 2021 Announced

At the 2018 AGM held December 19th in Chicago, World Championship hosting applications were accepted and granted for 2020 and 2021. Congratulations to the host affiliates!

2020: Bangkok, Thailand
2021: Rastede, Germany

Applications for 2022 and beyond are currently being accepted.

Watch this website for application information for these championship events.

Host flag passed to Canada for 2019

Congratulations to organizer Canon Huang and his team for producing a very fine 2018 World Championship Event. The WAMSB Host City flag was passed to next year’s host city of Calgary, Alberta in a ceremony at the final event in Taipei, Taiwan. Thank you Taipei, and we look forward to welcoming many bands to Calgary, Canada in 2019.

Mr. Huang passes the official host city flag to Ms. Alexandra Burdeyney, representing the host committee from Calgary, Alberta, Canada.

Poland WAMSB event a great success!

(above) Flag ceremony (below) Jury Members for Alte Kameraden Band Festival in Gorzów Wielkopolski, Poland on May 19/20, 2018: (l-r) Mike Townsend, CA – Pawel Joks, PL – Hans-Dieter Buschau, DE – Konrad Borycki, PL — Hans-Dieter Buschau, WAMSB International Board Member for Germany & Europe, was also the Supervising Judge while Mike Townsend, WAMSB International Vice President also acted in the capacity of WAMSB Event Official. — The Jury was impressed with all of the band performances at the festival. Congratulations Alte Kameraden Band Festival.

Official results are posted on the WAMSB event results webpage.

2017 World Championships in Palm Springs, USA a great success.

The 2017 World Championships were held in Palm Springs this past week and were a tremendous success. Bands from China, Germany, Poland, the Czech Republic, Brazil and the United States participated in multiple days of events showcasing Concert bands, jazz bands, Parade competition, Drumline competition, and the “Field Show” Showband competition.  An international panel of expert judges hailed from the Netherlands, Germany, Canada and the United States who had the difficult task of determining the champions.  Results are posted on our event page.  

Congratulations to all the participants and organizers on a fantastic championship.  This event marks the first time the WAMSB World Championships were held in the USA, and it was a wonderful week.

Many pictures and videos from the event are posted on the WAMSB Facebook page.  

The WAMSB Host City flag was officially passed from Mr. Robert Moon, Mayor of Palm Springs, and Mr. Brian Ingelson, Co-Director of the 2017 Championships to Mr. Canon Huang, Director of the 2018 Championships being held in Taipei, Taiwan.  Mr. Huang would like to invite all bands to come together for the 2018 Championships being held in Taipei from July 25 – 29th, 2018. Information on how to participate is on the WAMSB website. 


2019 German Festival of Music announced!

WAMSB is pleased to announce the sanction of the “6th German Festival of Music” in the city of Osnabrück, Germany from May 30-June 2, 2019.  This event happens every 6 years, and often sees over 400 bands with more than 15,000 participants!

Below is the official letter and invitation to WAMSB members.  Participating bands may qualify for the 2020 or 2021 World Championships.

Osnabrük 2019 - Official Sanction

2017 ONSBRUCK -Information and Invitation

New Affiliates: Hong Kong & Philippines

We are pleased to officially welcome WAMSB Hong Kong and WAMSB Philippines to our ever-expanding family. We are excited to support the marching show band events in your countries.

Please consider their events when talking to bands about opportunities to participate
in WAMSB events.

Asian Marching Show Band Festival Committee

WAMSB International Director Mr. Chris Herard presenting Affiliate certificate to Mr. Alex Au Yeung, and Mr. Jimmy Chan, Directors – WAMSB Hong Kong and Hong Kong Government Representative.

WAMSB Philippines

WAMSB International Director Mr. Keith Bearden presenting Affiliate certificate to Mr. Arnel Feliciano, Chair of WAMSB Philippines.