WAMSB Membership


Join WAMSB today!

Membership provides you and/or your bands the opportunity to participate in an increasing number of marching band activities being held on every continent in the world. Apply for or renew your annual WAMSB membership online!

Membership is open to those who participate in or are interested in participating in high-calibre international events around the world including:

  • Marching Bands
  • Directors
  • Associations
  • Interested professionals who have been recommended to and appointed by the Association to assist with specific tasks

Annual Memberships:

  • $50 Director
  • $100 Band
  • $500 Affiliate Chapter

World Championship Participation Fees:

In addition to any expenses or fees charged by the host city/organizations, hosts will also collect a one-time World Championship participation fee payable to WAMSB International. This helps cover the unique costs of WAMSB International in running the world championship events each year.

  • $50 per Participating Band (Unlimited classes/event registrations).

All above in U.S. funds.
Granted memberships are valid for one year after date of activation.


If for any reason you do not want to register online you may download the two-page printable PDF membership form, fill out, scan, then email to wamsb@wamsb.org.

Arrangements can be made to pay your annual membership fee by wire transfer or by PayPal using a credit card. For payment directions email wamsb@wamsb.org
Your membership application cannot be processed if we do not receive payment of the annual membership fee.