
The World Association of Marching Show Bands (WAMSB) was founded in 1995 as an international not-for-profit association dedicated to promoting global communication and interaction between marching show bands. The Association aims to encourage active participation in marching show bands universally, to strengthen the movement internationally, and to stimulate the staging of world-class band events.  Membership is open to those whom participate in or are interested in developing the marching band activity, and partaking in high-calibre events around the world.

WAMSB – Mission Statement 

The World Association of Marching Show Bands (WAMSB) is an international not-for-profit band association dedicated to promoting global communication and interaction between marching show bands, musical ensembles and auxiliary groups. 

WAMSB – Core Values / Ethical Practices 

WAMSB believes in the fair and ethical treatment of people. WAMSB will always operate in a fair and ethical way in all activities in which we engage. WAMSB will not work with individuals or organizations which are not considered as ethical, moral or professional. 

Cultural Understanding & Diversity 

WAMSB is dedicated to enhancing and celebrating diversity. At WAMSB events. People from different cultures can meet, perform and learn in a fair, safe and accepting environment. 


Everyone is accepted at WAMSB, regardless of their origin, age, race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, or physical or mental abilities. WAMSB prides itself on our open and welcoming acceptance of bands of any instrumentation, age, size or ability and religious affiliation. 

Personal Development 

Music teaches many things and is a worthy pursuit in its own right. It stimulates the imagination, is soothing, and can evoke emotion. In this way, music contributes to an individual’s personal development. WAMSB wants to support and enhance personal development through leadership and ethical music education for individuals in bands around the world. 


WAMSB supports perpetual betterment and the pursuit of excellence in all bands, both personally and musically. We encourage innovation and artistic freedom and innovation as well as personal excellence through servant leadership and service. 


WAMSB Objectives

  • To enhance the performance and interaction of marching show bands at a worldwide level
  • To encourage the development of world-class band events held in conjunction with internationally recognized events throughout the world
  • To sanction world-class events which will allow marching show bands from anywhere in the world to be performance rated on their individual form and style
  • To establish the required standards for the judgment and performance rating of marching show bands at such sanctioned events
  • To approve standards of operations used at sanctioned events
  • To consult with, and be a resource for, such sanctioned events
  • To convene meetings, conventions and other projects to assist in the development of these projects

In order to achieve these objectives the WAMSB will concentrate on:

  • The understanding and acceptance of the variety of worldwide cultural forms and styles
  • The development of a transparent and fair system of judgment, regardless of the form or style
  • The maintenance of a transparent and consistent operations system worldwide
  • The performance and interaction of youth groups on a worldwide basis
  • The potential development for international and cultural exchange of youth groups
  • The worldwide educational development of youth involved in marching bands
  • The professional development of the leaders of youth groups